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Export Lists to Excel
Posted January 27th, 2023

Export Lists to Excel
Posted January 27th, 2023

Today we’ve got an apparently simple, but extremely powerful feature to announce. Exporting your application lists directly to a .csv file is now possible directly on your usual list element.


Lists will now feature the following option:

User Interface

Feature Details

Export in background: keep working while OMNIA prepares your export

Customize Email notifications (see more details): get a custom email after the export is finished

Define the CSV Delimiter: choose the delimiter you prefer

Match CSV Headers with the List Labels: easily match your .cvs column header with OMNIA entity labels


The reason we believe this feature to be extremely powerful is its direct connection to the way queries and lists work within OMNIA.


With this option, you’ll now be able to export any and all custom queries (and lists) you’ve developed so far and build new ones that take advantage of this feature.

How do you get this feature?

This feature is part of v3.3.27 of the OMNIA Platform.


All you need to do is make sure you have the latest version and you’re ready to go!

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