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Feature Highlight: New List options
Posted February 21st, 2023

Feature Highlight: New List options

Posted February 21st, 2023

When developing lists on any web application, it is important to have full control of the data and how it is shown. Today we are going to show you new options that you can use to take full advantage of OMNIA Lists.

Let’s start with our new possibilities concerning data retrieval. Now you can, with simple JavaScript code on UI Behaviours, control a number of parameters to be used on queries that feed the list with data. Let’s see some examples:

  • Set filters
 //Filter by _code and _inactive columns
  this._metadata.elements.yourList.attributes.filters = {
      _code: {
          operator: "EqualTo",
          value: "EMP0125"
      _inactive: {
          operator: "NotEqualTo",
          value: true
  • Change sorting
//Sort list by columns _code and _description
  this._metadata.elements.yourList.attributes.sorting = [
          column: "_code",
          direction: "Ascend"
          column: "_description",
          direction: "Descend"

Additionally, you can now easily control the list data loading and the visibility of all options. Let’s see some examples.

  • Control list load
  //Disable list load on dashboard initialize
  this._metadata.elements.yourList.attributes.disableLoad = true;
  //Enable list load when you want

You can easily disable data load on the Initialize behaviour, and when you are ready (after setting filters, sorting, query parameters or datasource) just enable list load and your data will be retrieved.

This is particularly useful for those scenarios where you are sure that a filter will be applied, and there is no need to load data before the filter is set.

  • Hide options
//Disable list column filters
this._metadata.elements.yourList.attributes.disableFilters = true;

//Disable list column sort
this._metadata.elements.yourList.attributes.disableSorting = true;

//Disable list pagination
this._metadata.elements.yourList.attributes.disablePaginationButtons = true; 

In the example above are some of the options that you can disable, so that the end user cannot interact with them. It is still possible to set these values (filters, sorting) using UI Behaviours.

Let’s see the differences between a default OMNIA list and a customized list with all disabled options:


With all options disabled

As you can see, the footer options are no longer available, and on column headers it is no longer possible to apply filters or sorting, resulting in a list reduced to the essential.

Feel free to check our documentation page where you can see all the options you can control, and stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll show how you can use these new features (and more) on our Dashboards.

If you still don’t have this feature and want to start using it, remember to update your OMNIA platform to version 3.4.89, or above.

Platform Update and Documentation

This new feature is part of our 3.4.89 version of the platform.

📄 Documentation

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