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Feature Highlight: See more with list column resizer
Posted February 24th, 2023

Feature Highlight: See more with list column resizer

Posted February 24th, 2023

Today we got a simple feature, but one that is easy to forget.

When we are creating our lists, it’s easy to add a larger number of columns, and include one or two that might have more information that cannot be shown in the available space. You can set a bigger size on these columns, but if that is not enough keep in mind that the size of all columns can be changed by the end user to a comfortable size. 

On OMNIA lists, it’s as simple as this:

You can adjust one or more columns to the size you want, and with a simple list refresh return to the default sizes.

Platform Update and Documentation

This feature was part of our 3.4.14 version of the platform.


📄 Documentation