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New Element: Panel
Posted March 3rd, 2023

New Element: Panel
Posted March 3rd, 2023

OMNIA’s newest element brings you new UI Modeling possibilities. This new element, named Panel, can be used to organize the layout without adding any extra overhead to the final result. 

In the example above, we wanted to have the “Description” input as a textarea side-by-side with the “Code”, “Name” and “Limit Date” inputs. It was possible by having a Panel containing these 3 inputs, and other containing the textarea. The panels will only occupy 1 row on the underlying grid, so the 3 inputs will have the “Description” textarea on the right side.

Until now, OMNIA Containers could be used to organize the layout into collapsable Sections with a label. On the other hand, the panel does not render any label or spacing.

As you could also notice, it is now possible to convert a text input to a textarea input by changing its “formattingType” attribute. 

The Panel element and the textarea can be used after our 3.5.0 version of the platform.